Most physician’s situations just don’t fit into the normal guidelines. With a physician loan, all the challenges can be detrimental if not handled correctly.  Most loan officers have only had experience with any of these types of challenges and unique situations once in a while and your loan might be part of their learning experience. 


That’s where we can help. Our team is the expert on physician loans and that’s why we want to provide you with the reality behind these four myths. 


Myth 1: Having high student loans, I won’t qualify.


Different loan programs can actually allow us to add up your student debt in a way that doesn’t strike you down for qualifying. We can help you find a non-traditional loan to get a house even with all the student loans you have. 


Myth 2: I have a new job or I am relocating to a new area and won’t be working for months, I need to wait for a house.


We have options to help you move in 90 days prior to your start date at your new job. 


Myth 3: I don’t have 20% for a downpayment or money for expensive mortgage insurance. 


We have many low down payment programs that can help you find the house you love and afford it. There are also some specific programs for physicians for low or no mortgage insurance. 


Myth 4: I don’t have the time for the loan process and buying a home. 


We understand your schedule and are available for meetings in the evening and in addition we use fantastic online tools to make the process as easy and convenient as possible.


Our goal is to help you achieve your homeownership dreams and build your wealth in the process! Give us a call today to get your home buying process started.